Program Listing for File

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#include <omp.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>

#include "PowerSensor.hpp"

namespace PowerSensor3 {

void PowerSensor::Sensor::readFromEEPROM(int fd) {
  EEPROM eeprom;
  unsigned int retVal, bytesRead = 0;
  do {
      if ((retVal = ::read(fd, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&eeprom) + bytesRead, sizeof eeprom - bytesRead)) < 0) {
        perror("read device");
  } while ((bytesRead += retVal) < sizeof eeprom);

  // If EEPROM is corrupted, type name may be too long. Avoid unrecoverable situation by changing type if that happens
  std::string type = eeprom.type;
  if (type.length() >= MAX_TYPE_LENGTH) {
    std::cerr << "Read invalid sensor type from device, EEPROM data may be corrupt" << std::endl;
    type = "INVALID";

  // Same check as for type name
  std::string pairName = eeprom.pairName;
  if (pairName.length() >= MAX_PAIRNAME_LENGTH) {
    std::cerr << "Read invalid sensor pair name from device, EEPROM data may be corrupt" << std::endl;
    pairName = "INVALID";



void PowerSensor::Sensor::writeToEEPROM(int fd) const {
  EEPROM eeprom;

  strncpy(eeprom.type, type.c_str(), type.length() + 1);  // plus one for null termination character
  strncpy(eeprom.pairName, pairName.c_str(), pairName.length() + 1);  // plus one for null termination character
  eeprom.vref = vref;
  eeprom.sensitivity = sensitivity;
  eeprom.inUse = inUse;

  unsigned int retVal, bytesWritten = 0;
  do {
      if ((retVal = ::write(fd, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&eeprom) + bytesWritten, sizeof eeprom - bytesWritten)) < 0) {
        perror("write device");
  } while ((bytesWritten += retVal) < sizeof eeprom);

void PowerSensor::Sensor::reset() {
  valueAtLastMeasurement = 0;

void PowerSensor::Sensor::updateLevel(uint16_t level) {
  this->level = level;
  valueAtLastMeasurement = (VOLTAGE * level / MAX_LEVEL - vref) / sensitivity;

double PowerSensor::Sensor::getValue() const {
  return valueAtLastMeasurement;

void PowerSensor::Sensor::setType(const std::string type) {
  if (type.length() >= MAX_TYPE_LENGTH) {
    // MAX_TYPE_LENGTH includes null termination character
    std::cerr << "Sensor type name can be at most " << MAX_TYPE_LENGTH - 1 << " characters" << std::endl;
  } else {
    this->type = type;

void PowerSensor::Sensor::setPairName(const std::string pairName) {
  if (pairName.length() >= MAX_PAIRNAME_LENGTH) {
    // MAX_PAIRNAME_LENGTH includes null termination character
    std::cerr << "Sensor pair name can be at most " << MAX_PAIRNAME_LENGTH - 1 << " characters" << std::endl;
  } else {
    this->pairName = pairName;

void PowerSensor::Sensor::setVref(const float vref) {
  this->vref = vref;

void PowerSensor::Sensor::setSensitivity(const float sensitivity) {
  this->sensitivity = sensitivity;

void PowerSensor::Sensor::setInUse(const bool inUse) {
  this->inUse = inUse;

void PowerSensor::Sensor::setPolarity(const int polarity) {
  if (polarity == 1) {
    this->sensitivity = std::abs(this->sensitivity);
  } else if (polarity == -1) {
    this->sensitivity = -std::abs(this->sensitivity);
  } else {
    std::cerr << "Polarity must be -1 or 1, got " << polarity << std::endl;

}  // namespace PowerSensor3